Being a student leader in Loreto Secondary School enables those involved to develop personally into effective leaders, it creates cohesion between the senior students and the rest of the student body and it aims to use the strengths of the senior leaders to benefit and inspire our younger students. The engagement of the student voice in actions and decisions which shape their learning environment is at the centre of our leadership structures.
Head Girl - Olivia Best

Deputy Head Girl - Mairead Roche

Deputy Head Girl - Ciara Hogan

Culture Prefect - Eva Elmes

Environment Prefect - Iris Keene

Social Awareness Prefect - Maja Cisz

Sports Prefect - Emily Ryan

Well Being Prefect - Katherine Lawlor

Senior Prefect List
Ivy Bisht |
Niamh Blackbyrne |
Orlaith Brady |
Sorcha Brien |
Sarah Collins |
Laura-Lou Donnelly |
Amy Doyle |
Hannah Dunne |
Orla Fee |
Lauren Foley |
Leonie Guilfoyle |
Sofia Isaic |
Amy Kurimoto |
Kaisin Manning |
Abbie Murray |
Niamh Quigley |
Kate Slattery |
Meabh Smith |
Ciara Tucker |
Isabelle Usher |
Kaela Walsh |
Emma Yan |